Advocacy Rights UK

ARUK was formed with the intention of utilising the diverse skills and resources of our members to successfully deliver the necessities of civilised life to all our members and their families.

ARUK COMMUNITIES is the pre-eminent Self-help,  Mutual Aid & Support Group in the UK.

We are a private organisation expanding through the generous donations and gifts of our diverse membership. Membership is exclusive, although open to all. Our role is to make available and to provide for our members and their families what we regard as the Four Pillars of Civilised Society.

We regard the truth present in these four pillars as being self-evident and necessary for the maintenance of a Civilised Society. Yet we find they are increasingly absent in the lives of many people and the acceptance of these Universal Rights continues to be challenged and/or denied.

ARUK Communities

As the nation state collapses we must ask ourselves, beyond my family and neighbours – who am I?… What are the hallmarks of organic societies -v- synthetic societies?

The seed of society begins with the self of the individual and expands to his or her family. This extends to neighbours and a group of families which become a Clan. In time, due to proximity they will become related by blood, and the Clans will form tribes. The Clan is therefore pivotal to the natural state of society.

The “Clan” is the antidote to the “Gang.” On the face of it, they may appear similar, but they are conceptually different. One (the Gang) is rooted in Gangsterism and lawlessness, whilst the other (the Clan) has a long and noble tradition, rooted in the protection of the individual, the family and the tribe. In these institutions lie the Rights of Man.

History has taught us that the foundations of a nation state are often synthetic and far from natural. Our commitment is to develop a ‘Quantum Society’ through ‘ARUK COMMUNITIES’, governed by the spiritual awareness innate in the ‘naturally’ emerging communities.

The values, aims and objectives at the heart of this Global Movement are Love, Respect, Justice & Peace.

The Urban & Rural Clan Movement

As the nation state collapses we must ask ourselves, beyond my family and neighbours, who am I? What are the hallmarks of organic societies -v- synthetic societies?

The seed of society begins with the self of the individual and expands to his or her family. This extends to neighbours and a group of families which become a Clan. In time, due to proximity they will become related by blood and the Clans will form tribes. The Clan is therefore pivotal to the natural state of society.

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The Urban & Rural Clan Movement

As the nation state collapses we must ask ourselves, beyond my family and neighbours, who am I? What are the hallmarks of organic societies -v- synthetic societies?

The seed of society begins with the self of the individual and expands to his or her family. This extends to neighbours and a group of families which become a Clan. In time, due to proximity they will become related by blood and the Clans will form tribes. The Clan is therefore pivotal to the natural state of society.

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How it works?

Throughout history whether it be in times of war, famine, civil unrest or economic collapse; the structure of the family and collection of families i.e. The Clan has proven to be resilient in safeguarding the Universal Rights of the individual. With this in mind, The Urban & Rural Clan Movement was formed to revive, safeguard and promulgate these traditions.

We are a Private organisation / movement with membership as diverse as the Communities we reside within and membership is open via invitation or personal referral.

The process involved is following invitation / personal referral an interview is arranged with a Clan Elder or Clan Mother where the prospective initiate is advised and informed of the commitments of The Clan to them and vice versa. Upon acceptance of the terms the initiate is invited to join a Clan under the guidance and responsibility of a Clan Elder or Clan mother who will monitor their training and development for a period of no less than 3 months.

Following the 3 months of Training and Development, a review will be conducted and the initiate will be given a choice of whether to formally request to join a Clan as a Clan member or to conclude his or her participation within the Clan structure.

When a Clan member has consistently demonstrated competence, wisdom and leadership as a Clan Member they will be invited to assume the role and responsibility of Clan Elder or Clan Mother thereby forming his or her own Clan.

As Clan Elders and Clan mothers continue to demonstrate deeper and wider awareness and skills of developing and nurturing their respective Clans, they will be invited to join the Council of Senior Clan Elders [COSCE] which is an international body that underpins and guides the wider movement.

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Aruk Communities

Our team of highly skilled Dispute Settlement Agents [DSA] are equipped with diverse and experienced legal backgrounds.

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As a Private Community we recognise the value of partnership with other likeminded groups, organisations

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Our management Department exists to manage Clan related assets and how they can best be utilised in service of the Clan and

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Our finance department exists to maintain and administer member subscriptions and disbursement.

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Our Arts & Edutainment division exists to develop and expand the Communities Social endeavours that connect Clan members and

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Our membership includes individuals and organisations from diverse backgrounds and professional arenas. We exist to assist our members with daily challenges that undermine their Universal Rights protected by the Community structure and guiding principles of The Urban & Rural Clan Movement.

Membership is sustained by monthly contributions that give access to the assistance available through ARUK and the intercession and Advocacy provided through our teams of highly skilled and experienced Dispute Settlement Agents [DSA]. Our agents are trained to engage with Corporate and Legal outfits which include but are not limited to: Debt Collection Agencies, Local Authorities, Government Departments, Solicitors, Courts, Tribunals and other Corporate bodies.

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Our membership includes individuals and organisations from diverse backgrounds and professional arenas. We exist to assist our members with daily challenges that undermine their Universal Rights protected by the Community structure and guiding principles of The Urban & Rural Clan Movement.

Membership is sustained by monthly contributions that give access to the assistance available through ARUK and the intercession and Advocacy provided through our teams of highly skilled and experienced Dispute Settlement Agents [DSA]. Our agents are trained to engage with Corporate and Legal outfits which include but are not limited to: Debt Collection Agencies, Local Authorities, Government Departments, Solicitors, Courts, Tribunals and other Corporate bodies.

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Community Members

I found my ARUK ‘Clan Mother’ more than just an agony aunt. She offered deep insights into all my personal relationships.

Rukhsana Malik, Community Member

As a Musician it’s often hard to maintain musical integrity. However, ARUK mentoring and events emphasise music as a powerful educational and spiritual tool. This has helped me immensely creatively.

Femi Santiago, Community Member

I was struggling to meet Gas and electric payments and I was threatened with disconnection. An ARUK ‘Bills Negotiator’ showed that I had been overcharged. Threats to disconnect were withdrawn and I received a rebate. Thank you ARUK!

William Jackson, Community Member

I suffered from depression and was admitted to hospital. My legal rights were protected by the work of an ARUK ‘advocate’ dealing with the hospital authorities.

Margaret Curtis, Community Member

I was stressed with credit card and mortgage arrears but with the skilful help of an ARUK ‘Dispute Settlement Agent’ (DSA) I reached arrangements with all my creditors.

Ryan Holland, Community Member

Problems with my sons schooling were quickly resolved with the help of an ARUK ‘Senior Community Elder’.

Catherine Barnett, Community Member